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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I want to SOPA down PIPA

 It's been quite some time since getting a place that has internet. I finally procured some of the lifeblood of the web and it seems to be turning a color I can't describe. Why?

 Because congress is now discussing these ridiculous censorship laws, SOPA and PIPA.

 For a second, after I had initially heard about the laws, I  thought myself untouched. Here were my thoughts:

 "I don't download copyrighted movies, so I won't be affected."- that is so wrong. Everyone that surfs beyond e-mail in the U.S. would be affected.

 "Even if it passes, I could still do everything I could before" - Wrong again. This very blog could be blocked even though it currently includes nothing that would garner a block from the censors.

 "I can live with a censored internet" - I really can't. It'd be like living in an America with no gyms. I don't go to gyms, probably never will, but damn the powers that be if I didn't have that choice.

 The way I see it, if these bills pass we in the U.S. will be looking through a glass block window behind bars to see what everyone else does through a single pane.


  1. agree with ya mate , great post +following

    1. Now if we can get those who vote to agree, we'll have it made for a while.

  2. There really are few words to describe just what SOPA will do. Even if all you use is the internet you're in trouble. Someone could email you something or you could email them something that slightly breaks their rules and then bam, you're fucked in the ass. Literally. I've seen prison movies.

    1. Even e-mail causing a ruckus with this one. They'll leave no stone unturned, even the stones found in those prison movies,

  3. just look at china, sopa is following in china's footsteps

    1. I wonder if the govt is also for allowing migrant worker programs for large companies. Local sweatshops, here we come!

  4. You put it perfect. I cant differentiate whether I am in China,Cuba or America.

    1. I know. I keep having to walk into the local DcMonald's to see what the local menu consists of.

  5. Yes, spread the word. More people need to be aware of this.

    1. I shall. I hope we can raise awareness to the level it needs to be to sway the votes.

  6. Your right about what will happen! Glad to see you spreading awareness!

    1. Glad to see you glad. Striving for freedoms alongside such warriors for our rights is an honor that cannot be equated with words.

  7. SOPA's already been struck down, it's PIPA that we gotta worry about next...and afterwards, whatever new law they'll try to pass that may not sound as draconian as these two or their predecessors but will still attempt to achieve the same thing: the absolute control of old media over the new frontier.

    The bastards.

    1. You are so correct. They will never stop. I imagine that it's most likely that they'll vote some similar legislation in through some sort of super secret closed session that they slip into some random bill. That or they just break it up into pieces and just pass bits as earmarks so that it will be that much harder to take down.

  8. I really do agree with everything you had to say here. SOPA is the small start to a potiental disaster. Sigh...Hopefully it doesn't pass.

    1. I'm with you in that hope. I've sighed that sigh and one of relief when SOPA didn't pass.

  9. Fuck censorship. And the censors. Period.

  10. Your gym comment is so relative! Well said, friend!
