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Monday, August 8, 2011

Randoom Book Review: Hallucinating Arkansas

 Have you ever wanted to trip acid without the bad effects and without ingesting actual drugs?

 Then I suggest you read "Hallucinating Arkansas".

This collection of in your face poetry and soulful writings is authored by Tim Bowen.

 The title piece, "Hallucinating Arkansas", starts it off with a bang. Shocking imagery mixed with fluid lines pull you into page one and flings you through to seventy-two on an eventful trip not soon to be forgotten.

 Timothy Bowen employs different styles across the work. From the cryptic "Lad at the Fit Harvest", that looks at first glance to be a list of some sort, to a compelling scene involving a circus worker in "Our Clown", he shows his wide range as a wordsmith.

 Timothy's irreverent manner made dry subjects come alive with ultra-vivid detail. In "Future Headlines", his reporting from the future allows us insight to his mad genius, while still making us pee ourselves with laughter.

 Take seventy-two pages, wring them with sexual tension and emotion, throw them in a barrel of belly-aching laughs. Then soak those soul-heavy pages in IQ juice to reach 9000, and you still wouldn't have as entertaining of a read as Tim Bowen's "Hallucinating Arkansas"!

Read it here.
The Official Blog of Timothy Bowen can be found here.


  1. this looks interesting! i will try to find it and read it

  2. Indeed! Admittedly, I'm pretty caustic when it comes to poetry...but this DOES sound interesting~!

    Thanks for the find, Shock!

  3. Thank you so much for the kind review!!

  4. This book sounds interesting, will it be more psychedelic on drugs? :D

  5. Doesn't sound like my kind of thing but I actually enjoy reading something new every once in a while. Think I'll give this one a go if I can find it.

  6. Very interesting I'll have to check this out!

  7. I wonder if this makes more or less sense on psychedelics. Probably both.

  8. definitely the most interesting drug of our time. sounds like a very worthy book to read!

  9. Aw yeah, I dig this. The first quote is just spot on: "In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful,must also reflect decay. And, unless itwants to break faith with its socialfunction, art must show the world aschangeable, and help to change it."

  10. Oh cool. Then I don't have to keep asking my friend what it's like.

  11. I shall check this out, reeminds me of mendelbrots. +followed.

  12. Nice kind review!

  13. Great review, thanks for sharing.

  14. The picture is fantastic. The review is interesting.

  15. Any relation to Rolling Kansas?

  16. Hmm sounds very interesting, might as well just use Idoser.

  17. Really interesting! I would like to buy and read it if I can find here in Turkey and if its language is not too heavy for me to understand of course.

  18. Oh wow! that's something new glad I I came across this blog, and will check out the book now, sounds like a must read! I wanna go on a trip! hehe

  19. Nice, I'll have to check it out

  20. Finally!!!! An interesting blog! Great review. I'm following now. Maybe mine will be as good as yours one day.
