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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Updates and Dancing

So, now it's almost Thanksgiving and I don't have a post in November. I'm really slacking. I'm usually flaky, but this is even out of range for me. I've worked on a few things in the interim. I've outlined my Sci-Fi story, designed the outlying frame of a quadcopter, and danced, danced, danced.

 I love dancing. For some strange reason, when I dance, I feel like it has a Moonwalker effect and becomes contagious enough for others to join in. If I'm in the wrong place when I dance, there's bound to be heaps of trouble. Some bad dance spots:

 Doing the Samba in line for social services.

 This is bad because most queues for government handouts include some of the worlds most clumsiest dancers. Most have excuses for bumping the ticket dispenser off it's hinges, but even those without excuses don't have room enough to shake their money makers correctly.

Swing dancing in the grocery store.

 Squeezing the melons may be against the rules in a grocery, but so should swing dancing. First, there's the lack of room. The only spot that would even allow a front-to-back twirling transfer is the produce section. Even then, the bag rollers end up catching on the dancer's feet, wrapping their tootsies in polyethylene film.

Pop and Locking in Jail.

 If you're unlucky enough to get to spend the night in the pokey, the robot will not make your slumber any better. Your display of joint manipulation turns into a showcase of double-jointedness and ambidexterity that only enrages the not-so-skilled cellmates. They cry and moan in thier attempts to move their gangly limbs in effort to make them look dislocated. When failing, they end up doing the dislocation the old fashioned way. Pop!

The whirling dervish whirl on a rollercoaster.

 Those security bars they tighten down are there for a reason. Too keep you from whirling around and infecting the other passengers with the dance bug. If everyone were to be able to have the joy of dancing while enjoying the exhilaration of the ride, then everyone aboard would perish from too much fun. Can't have people dying that way, nope.

 So, there you have it. It's not much, but I'm sorry. I would also be apologetic for the ad, but I love shoes and have just been accepted to opt-in to the affiliate spots. In their appropriate use, I hope to get enough for a device that will allow me to update far more often.

 Have a great day, and I hope to read and comment on a few of your blogs before my battery goes kaput.


  1. The rollercoaster sounds like it will be your last dance haha and the grocery line will surely you get you those groceries to the face.

    1. I'd truly hate to take a dive into some kumquat. The dip might be worth it, though.

  2. Dance your heart out. Sounds like a good recipe for happiness.

    1. I'm always on the lookout for those kind of recipes.

  3. I think the last thing you need to do in jail is show that you're limber and flexible. It won't end well. But it's always good to hear from you Shock.

    1. Most things don't end well from there,but I catch your drift, Mark. I'm glad to be posting semi-regularly.

  4. You can totally swing at the groceries. Just as long as it's not a weekend.. it's easy. And fun!

    1. Hmm. On the weekends here, we have a farmer's market that has plenty of outdoor space. Now if I could just get a partner that wasn't insubstantial.

  5. in prison, a quadcopter is often more handy than a shiv...

    wow, Turkey Day has really crept up on me this election year, i'm thoroughly unprepared, i...*battery fading*

  6. Yeah, the image of someone doing the Pop-Lockin' in jail is now stuck in my head.

    THANKS Shock. >XD

    1. You're very welcome. I hope it stays there until I can place an equally indelible image in your active brain.
