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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tagged, or too lazy or occupied to make a real post

I got tagged by dopdavid on one of those survey thingamabobs.

 If you can tell, I usually don't post these things, but today is one of those rare exceptions.

 First, those rule things that I always seem to bend enough that they never break:

  1. Put the rules of this Tag on your blog.
  2. Everyone tagged should tell 11 things about themselves, answer the 11 questions asked by the person who tagged you, tag 11 other people and ask them 11 different questions.
  3. Let the people whom you tagged know you've done so.
  4. Don't tag anyone who's been tagged before.
  5. Really do tag 11 others, and don't go all "if you want to, take this tag".
11 random things about me:

 1- I am absolutely in head-over-heels love with Katy Perry's eyeballs. Not the singer, or even her beauty or body. Just those insanely huge eyes. How'd they get so big?

 2- I once helped push a huge boulder down a cliff. The only reason we did so was to help nature heal itself and see destruction while listening it to it seconds after watching.

 3- I trust no one. The ultimate betrayal that occoured in my life has left me with no hope for my fellow man. Well, the physical people, anyway. You all on the blogosphere are more trusted than almost everyone I meet in the physical world.

 4- I'm an animal lover without a pet. Although I love the animals, I cannot keep one due to having spread my pet love to other's pets out so far that I have none left for one of my own.

 5- I just now started liking French Toast again. I had a horrible experience as a child that kept me from loving this egg-drowned yummy breakfast food.

 6- I only exhibit minor OCD in certain situations. Once caught by someone else, they automatically think I do it all the time. Kinda annoying, but eh.

 7- I play a fender stratocaster. I'm not classically trained, but have been lucky enough to create some tunes that may end up here on the blog.

 8- I'm a student of Uber Procrastination and Disorganization. I have yet to cull my list of blogs that are no longer updated from my reader. Some of them may come back and be welcomed by those that visit from my pages, which gives me a great excuse to put off doing it.

 9- I've got 2 different colored eyes. I won't give specific colors for fear of being tracked by identifying marks, but let's just say I have made a custom pick-up line that deals with their never having to beat me up.

 10- I've defied death plenty of times. The latest was a collapsed lung at a party. I dealt with the intense pain for fourteen hours before going to the hospital. I had to wait on a ride, so I even slept and dreamed of the pain in a video game. Wierd stuff.

 11- Cider is my favorite alcoholic beverage. Hornsby's all the way.

 Now to DopDavid's questions.

  1. yellow
  1. cigarette or joint? vaporizer
  2. beers or bottle? a bottle of beer
  3. which is most important: sex, money, or power? all in moderate amounts
  4. how many pairs of shoes do you own? 2. My new balance and work boots
  5.  PC or mac? PC
  6. sour or sweet? Sour. You never hear of anyone being a "Sweet Puss", do you?
  7. in 3 words describe politics Just Come On!
  8. picking your favorite music is like politics, its all shit, you just have to find the pile that stinks the least, true or true? No, my music smells of a mixture of Horchata and Hot Damn
  9. true? Very true
  10. if you could own any type of animal, what would it be and why. I'd own a chicken that told the future only to me and charge for it to allow me to read palms of tourists.

  I'm going to now list 11 people to tag. The rules say that I have to let them know, but it doesn't say how. I'll list them here and send out a telepathic message that they've been tagged. We'll see if we get any participation. 

 1 T-Papar
 2 ms mariah
 3 lighter syde
 4 roblogs
 5 magixx
 6 Dee
 7 TehJuggler
 8 Eric
 9 Tenforce
 10 Mastapino
 11 Cheeseboy

 Now my questions

1- How has wearing socks changed your life?

2. If you could come up with an invention that would make your life easier, what would you make?

3. If the internet died tomorrow, how butt-hurt would you be?

4. Do you watch Spartacus? If not, why not?

5. Describe your locker from 8th grade.

6. Some people desire strange combinations of food. Do you like something unconventional.

7. What's the most normal thing that you laugh at that others usually wouldn't?

8. Beer or cider?

9. What is the last thing in your mind before you fall asleep?

10. Is free food tastier than the stuff you buy or make?

11. Will you ever do one of these again?


  1. Replies
    1. I didn't really have anything in mind, so I just put the first random thing that popped into my head. Thanks.

  2. Huh, an interesting look inside the Shock without a colonscopy camera~!

    Thanks for that, m'man.

    1. If this would have hurt like that, I sure wouldn't have done it. haha!

  3. I find it hard to trust, but so far I remain slightly capable of it.

  4. I trust very little too outside family and don't even trust some of them fully. OCD I think every single blogger has, in some form, at least that's what I've come to notice.

  5. I have OCD.
    I have OCD.
    I have OCD.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks for the follow. I hope to entertain enough for repeat visits and comments!

  7. haha i am glad to see someone did it :)
    I am jealous of your two different color eyes, it is a triat i myself wish i could have picked up

    1. No problem. I may see these surveys as a sort of hassle at times, but it gives readers a rare glimpse into the personal realm. Thanks for tagging me.

  8. Lol, everyone's tagging everyone these days :P

  9. Replies
    1. I never know what I'm going to put on these things. I had to edit the answers/questions multiple times to get this appropriate mixture. These take longer than an actual post for me, hehe.

  10. Nothing wrong w/ doing these once in a while. They are fun and let the readers get to know you better!!

    Two colored eyes? My friend has the same and I think it's awesome! Ocd, yes, I have that too. It's a blogging thing!

    1. I'm seeing a greater correlation between blogging and OCD than I ever have before.

  11. Personally, I love my OCD tendencies, helps me be clean and organized and such. Followed!

    1. I shall allow my ocd tendencies to help me in that manner. Thanks!

  12. You trust no one... as in ABSOLUTELY no one... on this planet? Is that a fact? Man, that can't be good. Well, I guess I'm lucky then, for though I distrust people in general, being as cynical as they come, I always give them the benefit of the doubt... once. They get one strike.

    1. I should have put it better. I 'completely' trust no one. If there are varying degrees of trust, I may show signs of a lesser degree at some point, but I'm always watching my back for the betrayals.

    2. Count me in with shockgrubz. After too many incidents in your life, sometimes you can't help it, you loose trust and though you mayn't want to. I like people and I forgive and try to forget, but not an easy one to forget and erase off and leaves a bad taste

  13. hahahahah those questions
    your a joker man

    1. Glad to have made you laugh. Thanks for doing so in the comments. My day is brighter by that much.

  14. Ha ha...Now, this was entertaining! Best post I've read in days. Loved your answers. I would've chosen the joint. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by and following my little blog. I'm looking forward to reading yours.

    1. I gleefully return the appreciation for following and reading. Haha on the twisted end of your comment.

  15. Oh tags get the best out of some people. You included.

    1. Thanks. If you think that's some of my best, please stick around for the better best!

  16. Them's some tough questions, I wouldn't get many right.

    1. I tried to write them as to where there were no right or wrong, just funny, hilarious, and contemplative answers.

  17. It should be called CDO. that way it'll be organized alphabetically- the way it should be.

  18. awhh yeah im the same way, most times im even too lazy to read the entire post :)

    1. I've had my suspicions, lol. Thanks for reading all of this one.

  19. Good to know about u. No.8-up top. No 9,reminds me of movie Sandra bullock witch or something where her future better half is to have two diff color eyes as per prophecy. And lovely questions.

    1. I still need to see that movie. Thanks for the comment.

  20. Hey, I'll give one of these questions a shot.
    If the internet died tomorrow, I probably would only be butt-hurt in prison.
    But, then again, I probably wouldn't need the internet to be butt-hurt in prison.

    1. Hahaha! I just had to explain why I was laughing so hard. Kudos on the effective joke, Al.

  21. the collapsed lung sounds terribly painful

    1. It was. Without pain, I wouldn't feel as much enjoyment being free of it. A necessary evil to gain physical toughness, which I need lots of, being of a demure stature.

  22. Wow! Thanks so much for posting on my "blob" are so great! i will be following you! Sounds kinda stalkerish, yes?

    Be well! Love your blog!

    1. Don't worry 'bout it. I always feel the same when I type those same words. Haha.

